File formats

Fixture plan file format (*.csv)

The fixture plan file format is versioned to ensure that CSV files generated for Designer 1.7.x and later will be imported into any version of Designer from 1.7.0 onwards. Version information must be added to the first line of the CSV file as follows:


The current version is 2.

Lines starting with # are comments and are ignored (except the version line). Blank lines are ignored.

Fixture type syntax

@[manufacturer id],[model id](,[mode id])

where [manufacturer id] and [model id] are the numbers which can be found in the fixture's identification fields in Setup. [mode id] is optional, leaving it out assumes mode 0 or that it is irrelevant.

Fixture position syntax

[fixture number],[name],[x position],[y position],[rotation angle],[width],[height],[comment 1],[comment 2]

where [fixture number], [x position], [y position], [rotation angle], [width] and [height] are mandatory numbers and [name], [comment 1] and [comment 2] are strings which may be left blank. [rotation angle] is specified in degrees, clockwise from vertical.

# LEDs

# Dimmers

Pixel matrix file format (*.csv)

The pixel matrix file format is versioned to ensure that CSV files generated for Designer 1.9.x and later will be imported into any version of Designer from 1.9.0 onwards. Version information must be added to the first line of the CSV file as follows:


The current version is 1.

Lines starting with # are comments and are ignored (except the version line). Blank lines are ignored.

Fixture position syntax

[fixture number](.[fixture element index]),[x position],[y position],[rotation angle]

where [fixture number], [fixture element index], [x position] and [y position] are numbers. [rotation angle] is optional (not valid for single-element fixtures) and is specified in degrees, clockwise from vertical. The fixture element index is only required if the fixture specified by fixture number is a compound fixture.

NOTE: On a matrix, a fixture's position is where the first element of the unrotated fixture lies. Fixtures are rotated about their center. Therefore a rotated fixture will appear to have a different position to that given in the imported file.

# Simple matrix

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